HSA-Liaison District Committee Meeting Notes
Care Committee
The Committee to Address Race in Education (CARE) was formed in 1997 in order to forge school-community partnerships and opportunities for stakeholders to work collaboratively to serve all students. The CARE committee meets monthly from September through May each year to communicate about issues of race that have implications for education, advise the school district on issues of policy and practice, report about programs that benefit all racial/ethnic groups, and educate all stakeholders in an effort to increase understanding and bring all students to the highest possible levels of achievement.
Committee for Special Education
Founded in 1972, CSE is a parent-led volunteer organization serving families of students with an IEP, GIEP or 504 Service Agreement. CSE hosts general meetings on topics of interest to families, and runs a monthly brown bag lunch as an informal gathering for parents/guardians to share their experiences.
Interschool Council
The Interschool Council (ISC) is the umbrella organization for the ten Home and School Associations (HSAs) in Lower Merion School District (LMSD). The ISC strives to enhance education throughout the District by promoting communication amongst parents/guardians, teachers, school district administrators, the Board of School Directors and the general community. Through its many efforts to foster interschool exchange and understanding, the ISC plays an important role in maintaining LMSD's academic excellence.
Nutrition Committee
The LMSD Parent Nutrition Committee has been around for over 10 years. The committee serves as a liaison between parents and the LMSD nutrition services staff/cafeteria, with the LMSD Nutrition Services Director serving as co-chair of the committee. The committee also puts on events like “Apple Crunch” and “Go for the Greens” in the elementary schools, as well as provides nutrition education to elementary school students via La Salle University nutrition interns